Thursday, November 20, 2008

"A SOULful Sunday Service....."

When I went to bed Saturday night, I was excited about going to Church Sunday morning. I don’t go as often as I should, but for some reason I felt an urgency to go that morning. I awoke earlier than I would for a workday, but was not rushed as I had arranged my clothing the night before. I turned on the radio to listen to some Gospel music before I took my shower, you know to get me in that spiritual mood. I left my home an hour early so I would get that “good” double parked space, close to the front of the church, I had my highest heels on, and didn’t want to walk too far…(smile)

I was early enough to get a seat in the Sanctuary of the Church, as I don’t like walking up all the stairs to the balcony. I am still excited, but also uncertain as to why I am so excited. For me, one of the many reasons I go to Church is hearing the Choir sing. The Choir sang “I Praise Him”, as well as a few other hymns, and as always, were heartfelt, and beautifully executed. When the Pastor came out and began the sermon I felt a sense of relief overcome me. I felt as if at that moment I was in a loving, family, community, where the focus was not what you look like, what you had on, what your financial status was, but what the Pastor was about to expound upon. My goodness, isn’t it amazing how the word of God can send chills through your body? When I left Church I felt a sense of joy, and happiness, like a brick had been lifted off of me, it was AMAZING! I understood at this time, why I was so excited.

I began to wonder while driving….Why some of us don’t frequent Church as we should? I’m no religious fanatic by no means, but I wonder why it is, many of the folk I know, don’t congregate as often as they should, as God says we should? What is so important on the day of the Sabbath, that we can’t go to Church to worship? We believe we have our reasons (“excuses”) why we don’t attend. My “excuse” was in the nicer weather, I wanted to Golf, and any other time the excuse was I needed to relax before the work week began. Some may say there are hypocrites in the church and why go to church to be in the presence of these hypocrites – I hear you! I used to say the same thing…”More hypocrites in the church than anywhere else.”, I would say, and here it is, I’m one of them. Now I say, why should I care what these folk do with their private lives, why am I basing my reason for not attending Church on these folk? I’m just as much a hypocrite and a sinner as these folks are, we ALL are. We have all sinned, so why not go to Church (among the hypocrites and sinners like ourselves) and ask for forgiveness? There has never been a Sunday I attended Church and regretted doing so – EVER! I go to ask God to forgive the sins I have committed, to praise His very being, to thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me, to ask God to bless my family, my friend(s), the ill, the hungry, the less fortunate, To thank Him for His son Jesus Christ. I go because it’s been ordered by God Himself.

What happened? As children we went to Church by no choice of our own. I would guess that as the years passed, we got older, our beliefs changed, and we did not think it absolutely necessary to attend Church. Most of us have always believed in God, we praise God in our homes by watching the evangelist on television, by reading a verse or two in the Bible, by blessing our food, and praying at night. I agree with all of these avenues of spirituality, BUT the Bible says to go to Church to congregate. I have decided to do what is right and just, to attend Church more often. However, I know that in doing so there are steps and an order that I will follow. I am not saying I will go every Sunday, but I will be present more often.

I attribute all areas of my life to God. Good or bad, there is a reason for anything and everything that happens to and for me. My faith and belief in religion and spirituality is strong, God has a plan for me, for all of us. In closing I leave you with some verses that I enjoy, I hope you enjoy them as well.

(PSALMS 8:1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!)

(MATTHEW 22:36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied “'Love the Lord, your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment”)

To these, and to many scriptures, I say “Amen”. To God be the Glory….

Talk to me….


Anonymous said...

God will have his way sister wonderful insight.In the end of it all we all are in search of something to make us feel whole and I agree it must be the spirit I have everything else.Love you woman,press onward!

Anonymous said...

An epitome of my own awareness of how I approach my worship to Jesus and His sacrifice, then by habit continue to do business on the world's level. Thank you for sharing this. I too went to church recently. LOL. I've been gone a very long time and this was my first return visit. So, like you..... I found my favorite teachers on tv and began my day. I choose to term them as teachers because it is the original title given to one in that position from the very beginning.
This church in Charlotte has a choir that can straight "warble" with the best out there. But unlike you, I didn't head to my regular seat. I moved up to the balcony to see as much of what I've missed as possible. I didn't even realize it at that time.
The Pastor { my teacher } spoke soul-stirring words of Works undone.
I look around and I see a 180 degree turn in my life. This Wisdom I've always prayed for has a lot of unexpected benefits. As GOD carries me forward to whatever my path encounters, I'm glad to know that I am not the only one who wants to give GOD his very best everyday, but I'm still a work in progress and HE has not given up on me.
So on those warm mornings when 9 holes are screaming your name, let's kneel together and be thankful for ALL that surrounds us every day and we take them for granted.
Some people can fake it well, but when you talk about church the way you do, it's a blessing having you as my friend.
S. Deon

Anonymous said...

Denise, this is really great and just brings old memories back from 316, when all I did was talk about church. I'm happy, I mean really happy that you are sharing your thoughts. Wow, what an amazing woman. The friends blog, I love, love, love! Everything was right on point. I found myself relaxing and reading and reading. What a great mind AND SOUL you have. I am delighted to know a woman like yourself. I look forward to all of your sweet releases. Take care and as always, it's nice to know a lady named Ms Denise WILSON MY FRIEND.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh, I am someone who went every Sunday, whether I wanted to or not. God is in all of us. You need not always go to church; that is a personal choice. Just know He is always there, whether we think He has abandoned us, or not listening, He is there. Whether you feel your prayers aren't being answered, He is there. Remember, we may not always get what we want but He has instilled will and determination in all of we use it, is our choice. When you look into that beautiful sky, or that breathtaking sunset, let it be known, He is there watching us.

Dee said...

Isn't it AMAZING what God's presence can do? I loved your eagerness and honesty! Gospel music an make a person forget about what's not right and a great sermon can make a person realize that everything will be alright! Our message during yesterday's service was "Don't Panic". Those two words can have several meaning's and the word's that follow for me are, Don't Panic. God is in control! You are blessed and it shows in the way you speak and carry yourself.

He's got you covered! Many blessing's.


Anonymous said...

I appreciate your blog. It confirms to me that Spirituality is an interpretation that varies depending on the person sharing their experience. I need God’s blessings and love and for me, studying the Bible, attending church services and tithing lifts my spirits, brings me peace and joy and makes life worth living.
Peace & Blessings to you always & forever.