When I went to bed Saturday night, I was excited about going to Church Sunday morning. I don’t go as often as I should, but for some reason I felt an urgency to go that morning. I awoke earlier than I would for a workday, but was not rushed as I had arranged my clothing the night before. I turned on the radio to listen to some Gospel music before I took my shower, you know to get me in that spiritual mood. I left my home an hour early so I would get that “good” double parked space, close to the front of the church, I had my highest heels on, and didn’t want to walk too far…(smile)
I was early enough to get a seat in the Sanctuary of the Church, as I don’t like walking up all the stairs to the balcony. I am still excited, but also uncertain as to why I am so excited. For me, one of the many reasons I go to Church is hearing the Choir sing. The Choir sang “I Praise Him”, as well as a few other hymns, and as always, were heartfelt, and beautifully executed. When the Pastor came out and began the sermon I felt a sense of relief overcome me. I felt as if at that moment I was in a loving, family, community, where the focus was not what you look like, what you had on, what your financial status was, but what the Pastor was about to expound upon. My goodness, isn’t it amazing how the word of God can send chills through your body? When I left Church I felt a sense of joy, and happiness, like a brick had been lifted off of me, it was AMAZING! I understood at this time, why I was so excited.
I began to wonder while driving….Why some of us don’t frequent Church as we should? I’m no religious fanatic by no means, but I wonder why it is, many of the folk I know, don’t congregate as often as they should, as God says we should? What is so important on the day of the Sabbath, that we can’t go to Church to worship? We believe we have our reasons (“excuses”) why we don’t attend. My “excuse” was in the nicer weather, I wanted to Golf, and any other time the excuse was I needed to relax before the work week began. Some may say there are hypocrites in the church and why go to church to be in the presence of these hypocrites – I hear you! I used to say the same thing…”More hypocrites in the church than anywhere else.”, I would say, and here it is, I’m one of them. Now I say, why should I care what these folk do with their private lives, why am I basing my reason for not attending Church on these folk? I’m just as much a hypocrite and a sinner as these folks are, we ALL are. We have all sinned, so why not go to Church (among the hypocrites and sinners like ourselves) and ask for forgiveness? There has never been a Sunday I attended Church and regretted doing so – EVER! I go to ask God to forgive the sins I have committed, to praise His very being, to thank Him for all the blessings He has bestowed upon me, to ask God to bless my family, my friend(s), the ill, the hungry, the less fortunate, To thank Him for His son Jesus Christ. I go because it’s been ordered by God Himself.
What happened? As children we went to Church by no choice of our own. I would guess that as the years passed, we got older, our beliefs changed, and we did not think it absolutely necessary to attend Church. Most of us have always believed in God, we praise God in our homes by watching the evangelist on television, by reading a verse or two in the Bible, by blessing our food, and praying at night. I agree with all of these avenues of spirituality, BUT the Bible says to go to Church to congregate. I have decided to do what is right and just, to attend Church more often. However, I know that in doing so there are steps and an order that I will follow. I am not saying I will go every Sunday, but I will be present more often.
I attribute all areas of my life to God. Good or bad, there is a reason for anything and everything that happens to and for me. My faith and belief in religion and spirituality is strong, God has a plan for me, for all of us. In closing I leave you with some verses that I enjoy, I hope you enjoy them as well.
(PSALMS 8:1 O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. From the lips of children and infants you have ordained praise because of your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger. When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor. You made him ruler over the works of your hands; you put everything under his feet: all flocks and herds, and the beasts of the field, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!)
(MATTHEW 22:36 "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied “'Love the Lord, your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment”)
To these, and to many scriptures, I say “Amen”. To God be the Glory….
Talk to me….
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Monday, November 10, 2008
My meaning of Friendship....
Who do we consider our “friends”?
I’m sitting here really trying to figure out what to say about this topic. I know there are differences between friends and acquaintances, indeed, BUT I don’t think I have more than a few (a very small few) “friends” and one very special “BEST FRIEND” …
My mind seriously draws a blank when I try to make a list of friends. I have people I chat with on the phone, e-mail, go out to eat and have cocktails with occasionally, but I’m not sure about the friendship thing. In my lifetime, I have come across many, and I mean MANY people I have “thought” were my friends, but time has revealed they never were.
In my opinion friends are those you don’t see often, but when you do, you immediately pick up where you left off. A friend is someone you can call when you have a problem, and you know they will listen and advise accordingly. Friendship is a way of life, in the sense of constantly coming together with others. It is a different kind of love that shows the progression of self-awareness and knowing the other better. Friends are eager and excited to know, and be known by each other. The best friendships are not locked into one’s own thoughts, but are enriched by the others knowledge, and goodness.
Friends play all the time. At times we argue, but ultimately agree to disagree. We comfort each other when we hurt. We listen, and remain non-judgmental. A friend accepts your faults and will not try to change you. A friend encourages and support your ideas, gives constructive criticism and never tries to break your spirit or tear you down. A friend lifts you up....ALWAYS. A friend would not tear you down to others or kill your dreams. A friend is true, is someone who helps you see the truth, even if it hurts. This means being up front with friends about serious issues, raising questions with tact and love, never gossiping or putting them down to others behind their backs as a joke or to amuse themselves.
Real friendships don’t just happen, they are acquired through trust, and honor. They are meant to be nurtured and cultivated. Friendship is friendly, happy, loving, playful, relaxed, easy and never-ending. It is caring and sharing all that we are and all that we have to give. There is no demand, expectation or commitment on a friend.
I question if I am a good friend at times. I have a strong personality and it is not my intention to push people away from me, but I realize that sometimes I do. I can be stubborn, hot headed and often times demanding, but I don’t like being this way. Going forward I’ve vowed that I will try not to be as dominating or confrontational in a debatable manner as I have been, but to concentrate and demonstrate how to “be a friend” to those that are near and dear to me, instead of increasing my number of acquaintances who will eventually be removed from my life.
Kathy, I thank you for being everything I have written and much more. You are so much more than a friend or best friend to me, you are truly special. You are my sister, my mentor, my life coach. God has blessed me with you, and has kept you close to me for these 16 years for a reason. You will forever be a presence in my life…..
Talk to me...
I’m sitting here really trying to figure out what to say about this topic. I know there are differences between friends and acquaintances, indeed, BUT I don’t think I have more than a few (a very small few) “friends” and one very special “BEST FRIEND” …
My mind seriously draws a blank when I try to make a list of friends. I have people I chat with on the phone, e-mail, go out to eat and have cocktails with occasionally, but I’m not sure about the friendship thing. In my lifetime, I have come across many, and I mean MANY people I have “thought” were my friends, but time has revealed they never were.
In my opinion friends are those you don’t see often, but when you do, you immediately pick up where you left off. A friend is someone you can call when you have a problem, and you know they will listen and advise accordingly. Friendship is a way of life, in the sense of constantly coming together with others. It is a different kind of love that shows the progression of self-awareness and knowing the other better. Friends are eager and excited to know, and be known by each other. The best friendships are not locked into one’s own thoughts, but are enriched by the others knowledge, and goodness.
Friends play all the time. At times we argue, but ultimately agree to disagree. We comfort each other when we hurt. We listen, and remain non-judgmental. A friend accepts your faults and will not try to change you. A friend encourages and support your ideas, gives constructive criticism and never tries to break your spirit or tear you down. A friend lifts you up....ALWAYS. A friend would not tear you down to others or kill your dreams. A friend is true, is someone who helps you see the truth, even if it hurts. This means being up front with friends about serious issues, raising questions with tact and love, never gossiping or putting them down to others behind their backs as a joke or to amuse themselves.
Real friendships don’t just happen, they are acquired through trust, and honor. They are meant to be nurtured and cultivated. Friendship is friendly, happy, loving, playful, relaxed, easy and never-ending. It is caring and sharing all that we are and all that we have to give. There is no demand, expectation or commitment on a friend.
I question if I am a good friend at times. I have a strong personality and it is not my intention to push people away from me, but I realize that sometimes I do. I can be stubborn, hot headed and often times demanding, but I don’t like being this way. Going forward I’ve vowed that I will try not to be as dominating or confrontational in a debatable manner as I have been, but to concentrate and demonstrate how to “be a friend” to those that are near and dear to me, instead of increasing my number of acquaintances who will eventually be removed from my life.
Kathy, I thank you for being everything I have written and much more. You are so much more than a friend or best friend to me, you are truly special. You are my sister, my mentor, my life coach. God has blessed me with you, and has kept you close to me for these 16 years for a reason. You will forever be a presence in my life…..
Talk to me...
Monday, November 3, 2008
“♪I’m living the single, single, single..…LIFE♪”
Yes, I’m single, only I’m not having as much fun as Larry Blackmon (Cameo). If you read the lyrics to this song, he is livin’ it up! I would assume “newly” single folk who have felt trapped and are now free, feel this way, but when you’ve been single as long as I have, it’s no party.
Being single has allowed me to test my will, so to speak. I’ve been single for sometime, and I’ve dated, but none of them made it to the level of “committed relationship” status that I seek. I’m really not sure how I feel about being single. I question what it is “I” am doing wrong…
At times, I long for companionship. I want to be able to love the way I have loved in the past. I appreciate the quote “….it’s better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” I was blessed with love until he passed away. I miss the cohesion and the good and happy times we shared. I miss the love that we once shared and I look to recapture that again. I know that I am not alone in “knowing” what it is that I want in a relationship…I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT. I KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE! The challenge is finding it, and more importantly recognizing it when it comes.
Then there are other times when I question…it’s been so long since I’ve been in a loving relationship, do I remember how to be with someone, how to compromise, how to share, how to give and love unconditionally? Seriously, I know you may say, how can you forget?, but after being single for a few years, I wonder, can I get used to sharing my space, my time, my energy and finances with someone? I hear complaints from some that they envy me for not having to deal with the headaches of a relationship. I see married folk, who are just that….married. I don’t want to be just married, when/if that time comes -- I want to be “happily” married. When I hear these type comments I question if I really want a relationship at all.
However, during these past years I’ve settled. I’ve settled because I was desperate to recapture what it was I had. I’ve dated men who I knew were not my soul mate (read the attached, and you will know “exactly” what a “Soul Mate” is…http://www.new-visions.com/astro/soulmates.html) I’ve dated men who on the outside are so beautiful but on the inside are as ugly as anything you could imagine. I believe people can feel, see and judge you by the vibes of your spirit. I believe a person can tell that you are vulnerable and will take advantage of you if you let them. I was not taken advantage of, but I was taken for granted.
Do you know how it feels to have a man do for “you” and say things to “you” and have an ulterior motive because he knows it will benefit him? Do you know how it feels for a man to “sell you dreams”? I do…I’ve been there, but I didn’t stay long. It’s funny, but we know when someone is not right for us, we have a built in instinctive mechanism called our “gut.” We know he has some issues, but we think to ourselves…”He’s not that bad, I can handle that…..” or “That’s a small thing…he can change” or “Oh well, it’s better than being alone..” HOLD UP!!!! But it’s not better than being alone. If you need a bed warmer, get a hot water bottle to replace the body heat “he” gave you. Being alone should not be looked at as if it’s a plague, it’s not a bad thing. It gives us the opportunity to reflect on what it is that should be done for when the “right” relationship comes along. Maybe we need to do a self check on what it is we attract into our realm and or spirit. Maybe we’re jaded because we keep choosing the same “type” men. Maybe our choices need re-evaluating. Take this “alone” time to learn about “you.” Maybe there are some inner issues within us that need to be checked….maybe?
I believe God has a plan for us, and we have to embrace the path chosen…good or bad, as our footsteps have already been ordered. From my experience, I give this advice: when in search of “the love of your life…” disregard the outer packaging and look at what is inside, love hard without limits, hold tight and embrace all that is good and feels good. There is also the possibility that I may not find my soul mate in this lifetime. However, I am so thankful to God that I have experienced real, true love. I know how it feels to love and I know how it feels to be loved by someone, and it felt good!
God is working on me -- I am His work in progress. My friend Marlene said something to me last week that made plenty of sense. She said “There are barriers, roadblocks and negativity that block the blessings due you.” She’s right, and in time and with God’s help we will remove these obstacles that are blocking my soul mate from finding me, but for “THIS” moment, I am single, secure and satisfied…..
Talk to me….
Being single has allowed me to test my will, so to speak. I’ve been single for sometime, and I’ve dated, but none of them made it to the level of “committed relationship” status that I seek. I’m really not sure how I feel about being single. I question what it is “I” am doing wrong…
At times, I long for companionship. I want to be able to love the way I have loved in the past. I appreciate the quote “….it’s better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” I was blessed with love until he passed away. I miss the cohesion and the good and happy times we shared. I miss the love that we once shared and I look to recapture that again. I know that I am not alone in “knowing” what it is that I want in a relationship…I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT. I KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE! The challenge is finding it, and more importantly recognizing it when it comes.
Then there are other times when I question…it’s been so long since I’ve been in a loving relationship, do I remember how to be with someone, how to compromise, how to share, how to give and love unconditionally? Seriously, I know you may say, how can you forget?, but after being single for a few years, I wonder, can I get used to sharing my space, my time, my energy and finances with someone? I hear complaints from some that they envy me for not having to deal with the headaches of a relationship. I see married folk, who are just that….married. I don’t want to be just married, when/if that time comes -- I want to be “happily” married. When I hear these type comments I question if I really want a relationship at all.
However, during these past years I’ve settled. I’ve settled because I was desperate to recapture what it was I had. I’ve dated men who I knew were not my soul mate (read the attached, and you will know “exactly” what a “Soul Mate” is…http://www.new-visions.com/astro/soulmates.html) I’ve dated men who on the outside are so beautiful but on the inside are as ugly as anything you could imagine. I believe people can feel, see and judge you by the vibes of your spirit. I believe a person can tell that you are vulnerable and will take advantage of you if you let them. I was not taken advantage of, but I was taken for granted.
Do you know how it feels to have a man do for “you” and say things to “you” and have an ulterior motive because he knows it will benefit him? Do you know how it feels for a man to “sell you dreams”? I do…I’ve been there, but I didn’t stay long. It’s funny, but we know when someone is not right for us, we have a built in instinctive mechanism called our “gut.” We know he has some issues, but we think to ourselves…”He’s not that bad, I can handle that…..” or “That’s a small thing…he can change” or “Oh well, it’s better than being alone..” HOLD UP!!!! But it’s not better than being alone. If you need a bed warmer, get a hot water bottle to replace the body heat “he” gave you. Being alone should not be looked at as if it’s a plague, it’s not a bad thing. It gives us the opportunity to reflect on what it is that should be done for when the “right” relationship comes along. Maybe we need to do a self check on what it is we attract into our realm and or spirit. Maybe we’re jaded because we keep choosing the same “type” men. Maybe our choices need re-evaluating. Take this “alone” time to learn about “you.” Maybe there are some inner issues within us that need to be checked….maybe?
I believe God has a plan for us, and we have to embrace the path chosen…good or bad, as our footsteps have already been ordered. From my experience, I give this advice: when in search of “the love of your life…” disregard the outer packaging and look at what is inside, love hard without limits, hold tight and embrace all that is good and feels good. There is also the possibility that I may not find my soul mate in this lifetime. However, I am so thankful to God that I have experienced real, true love. I know how it feels to love and I know how it feels to be loved by someone, and it felt good!
God is working on me -- I am His work in progress. My friend Marlene said something to me last week that made plenty of sense. She said “There are barriers, roadblocks and negativity that block the blessings due you.” She’s right, and in time and with God’s help we will remove these obstacles that are blocking my soul mate from finding me, but for “THIS” moment, I am single, secure and satisfied…..
Talk to me….
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