Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Why are we obsessed with Social Media?

Why is it that we can’t seem to function without checking our social media accounts at some point in our day?  I’m guilty of this obsession and in its most revealing form, is a habit that we all enjoy.  I can’t be sure that social media is a “good” thing as much as I am almost sure it is an “addiction” of some sort. 

Social media has captivated our society where some people are obsessed with its overwhelming power to allure and influence, and/or to network and conduct business. 

Our youth however, are following and wanting to emulate the wrong images of celebrities and entertainers that are living fantasies themselves.  Young girls see reality stars and want to look like them.  They want plastic surgery and to live the life that these famous people have.  Young girls and women seem to be okay with being called a “bitch,” being okay with “sexting” and with posting degrading videos of themselves in compromising positions just to be viewed by the millions.  It saddens me.

I saw a news program about “butt” enhancements in a Central American country.  The program had a reporter follow one girl in her quest to enhance her bottom.  The girl was fifteen (15) years old.  When the procedure was completed, she told the reporter that her butt was not large enough and that in six (6) months she would return for another procedure.  Her reasoning for another procedure “I want the “men” (not boys) to look at my bottom when I pass them…”  Fifteen years old….My goodness!  This sweet little girl should be doing her homework, setting goals for her future, studying or shopping at the mall with her friends. 

As parents we should be educating our children about spirituality, how to love God, how to love ourselves, and how to love one another.  What happened to programs like the PAL (Police Athletic League), the Mission Society (The Cadets), The Boys and Girls Club to give our children an alternative to spending hours upon hours on social media?   We need more mentors, more teachers, more coaches, and more community leaders in our society [village] to help raise our children if need be. We (as parents) need to also know that we are not our children’s only influence, we have to instill our family values and morals into their brains so they know to be respectful adults. 

In recent years, Social Media has become ubiquitous and important for social networking and content sharing.  It’s one thing to be connected socially --it’s another thing to allow Social Media and video games to be the primary focus.  It’s never  too late to be proactive in our children’s lives….#ijs

Talk to me...


Dani said...

Spot on Deinse! I look at social media like I look at TV; the idiot box. However we've been dipped!!!!! This vice is automatically on out smart phones as well as TV to condition our minds and distract us from being our absolute best. I say this as its eaisily identifiable for many Christians.... But anyone with an analytical mind can see this major seduction of AWFULNESS pass timing. Your eyes will pick up non sense because most individuals in this world "the 80 percentile of pollution" are generally mediocre folk. I often wonder about Root words...medi. The majority fits into the middle point...the followers not leaders. Twitter and Instagram..."followers". All a mad vice to "leverage" yourself. ??? Hummmm how many likes I can get from a post = low self esteem requires validation. It's like programming a computer...our minds are caught up in the constant Surge of Data (usually negative) because most people in the world are mediocre. The MEDIA. Is a constant surge of negative data... Because the more ratings the more money...more fame by the mediocre. Out of the other 20 percent of the world are the undesirables hell bent on destruction is 19%... Leaving 1% leaders... True positive leaders.... There's a marketing rule 80/20, there's a financial rule 80/20 and a societal rule 80/20. Makes you want to analyze which side of the fence you're in. Therefore I try to UNCONDITION myself from the SURGES pumped thru my eyes and eyes. I don't watch much TV. I limit my time on social media (personally think I should terminate everything for proper focus and mind control) I limit radio and media. Meditation music is key... With proper discipline there's no need for social media.... It's killing us in more ways then we imagine! Now how can we fix our children????

Dee said...

Great post! I deleted my FB account some time ago because I wanted a break from the negativity. Do I miss it? Only when I think about the fun aspects of it and there we're many. Sadly, the negative atributes steamed from a very few people that I could have simply deleted but I believe for me it was a point of escaping all together.

Thank you for a great post. As always your thoughts are enlightening!